Täyskovametalliset yleisjyrsimet
  • Täyskovametalliset yleisjyrsimet Täyskovametalliset yleisjyrsimet

Täyskovametalliset yleisjyrsimet

The following is the introduction of high quality Solid Carbide Universal Milling Cutters, hoping to help you better understand it. Welcome new and old customers to continue to cooperate with us to create a better future!

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Tuotteen Kuvaus

As a professional high quality Solid Carbide Universal Milling Cutters manufacturer, you can rest assured to buy Rough Boring from our factory and we will offer you the best after-sale service and timely delivery.

Kiinteäkovametallisten yleisjyrsimien tekniset tiedot

Maahan tunkeutuva pommisarja
model halkaisija D blade lengthH tehokas pituus Kokonaispituus L Varren halkaisija D Terien lukumääräT
EPWP55E-D3-R0.2-3H-6h-3T-50L-4D musta 3 3 6 50 4 3
EPWP55CE-D4-R0.3-6H-12h-4T-50L-4D 4 6 12 50 4 4
EPWP55CE-D4-R0.3-6H-12h-4T-50L-6D 4 6 12 50 6 4
EPWP55CE-D5-R0.3-8H-20h-4T-60L-6D 5 8 20 60 6 4
EPWP55CE-D6-R0.5-9H-18h-4T-50L-6D 6 9 18 50 6 4
EPWP55CE-D8-R0.5-12H-24h-4T-60L-8D 8 12 24 60 8 4
EPWP55CE-D10-R0.5-15H-30h-4T-75L-10D 10 15 30 75 10 4
EPWP55CE-D12-R0.5-18H-36h-4T-75L-12D 12 18 36 75 12 4
EPWP55CE-D16-R0.5-24H-48h-4T-100L-16D 16 24 48 100 16 4

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